Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oh, how I miss my blog and bloggy friends!

what a neglectful blogger I have become. If my poor blog were a cat, she'd be sticking her paws under the door scratching and mewling frantically for someone to slide some sliced deli meat underneath and nourish her, or open the door and pet her scruffy unbrushed fur and show some affection for just a few minutes. Sigh. So sorry!

So much to catch up on, and so little time! Still working in NYC during the week. Tried to jam as much fun and family activities into three days at home as possible, and mostly succeeded. Saw "Transformers" AGAIN on Friday, then the Simpsons movie on Saturday and spent Sunday PM at the pool until the t-storms dumped on us. Enjoyed a lot of time with my boys, except for the hubby, who was off at a two-day class learning stuff for his job. But I did catch his hockey game Friday night, and we spent the time driving to and from the rink chatting and catching up with each other. It was a good weekend, albeit a short and somewhat manically rushed one.

I am 3 miles short of 100 for the month of July. That was after this morning's 4 miles around the north end of Central Park and then around the south side of the Jackie O reservoir. So I've made a running date with a co-worker of mine for later tonight, after a conference call we've got scheduled for a bit. He hasn't run in a while and was finally convinced to try it after hearing me and another colleague extol the virtues of the park as a fabulous place to catch a run. So once that's done, I'll have 100 miles in the books for the first time since February, I believe. I came close in March, with 93 miles, and even with all the travel to Colorado in April managed to slide in 85 miles, but May was dismal with only 38 miles (that was all the swimming and cycling workouts) and June rebounded a bit with 77 miles. But if I want to be at all prepared for White Rock in December, I need to start building up the running mileage again. And there's something mental about being so close to 100 and not getting it that will make me nutso if I don't get in the last three miles tonight. Yeah, but then again, I'm the person who once ran 2.5 miles on New Year's Eve to reach 1000 for the year. Nutso already, I guess!!

Gotta run, but I swear to come back more often than once a week here. Pinky promise!!!

UPDATE: I got the three miles done! We wrapped up our con-call by 8:40, and at 8:45, we hit the streets outside the hotel. My running partner has LONG legs, and is extremely athletic, even though he hasn't run regularly in a while. So I had to keep his skinny self in check so he didn't wipe me out entirely -- I had to remind him that 1) his stride is way longer than mine! 2) this was my 2nd run of the day, and 3) the first 3/4 mile to the park is UPhill. But it was a glorious evening, and when we hit the reservoir, we caught the last gleam of sunset behind the lit-up Manhattan skyline. Pretty damn impressive, I gotta tell you! And he was thoroughly hooked on running again by the time we got back to the hotel, so I may have been a good influence on him. Gotta go -- it's way later than I expected to stay up. But I don't have to get up quite so early to run in the morning now!! Peace out!!

1 comment:

Vickie said...

Please do come back! I saw the Simpsons too. It was funny, but I watched it after a 50 mile bike ride, and I'll tell you, I had a HARD time staying awake! I like the kids movies way too much apparently! I will visit you often.