Monday, December 30, 2013

Week One

Or is it Week 18? 

Do you start with one and count up to race day? Or start with 18 and count down? The count down seems to make more sense... 

In any case, the weekly runs were all hit, on the scheduled day no less, and I felt solidly capable for all of them. Which is to say at no point during any of my runs did I think to myself "oh my sweet baby Heyzeus what have I done?" That, friends and neighbors, is what we call a rousing success in these parts. 

Plan the work, work the plan. 

Marathon training, y'all. It's not for the weak but it's not limited to just elites either. 

Week 18: 31.75 miles total. Included 5k race, trail hike & park miles with my sweet baboo plus 8-mile long run. 

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