Tuesday, July 18, 2006

two things

yes, I know, it's not just us, but DAMN, IT"S HOT!!!

When the water coming from an outside fountain scalds you at 5:45 in the morning, you know it's hot.

When 3 miles at 5:30 makes you sweaty enough to lose a pound, you know it's hot.

When Denver, CO is forecast to have a high of 98, you know it's hot.


Second thing: I LURVE www.lush.com. We stopped in Saturday afternoon for a bit while we were wandering around Northpark Center in North Dallas, a mall which we never frequent, because I really am more of a Kohl's girl than a Needless Markup or Nordstrom girl. In fact, I believe I'm actually more of a Target girl at heart. Take the girl out of the Valley but not the Valley out of the girl and all that. Anyhoo, I went in looking for something to solve my eternally erupting chin. Because of a combination of my workouts, sleeping on my face, and generally being clueless about my skincare, I have been fighting chin breakouts for roughly fifteen years, and they've recently gotten much worse. Combined with scarring b/c of my pigmentation, it's gotten pretty bad -- so bad that I've resorted to wearing makeup sometimes. Now for those of you who know me in real life, you know that's pretty severe. In any case, the girl there who helped us -- who BTW had the most FLAWLESS skin I've ever seen; if that isn't an endorsement of the place, I don't know what is -- recommended their Fresh Farmacy soap and a fresh mask that has revolutionized my skin. It's amazing. In just three days I can tell a difference. I no longer feel a need to scrub -- my face is just fresh and so much clearer. I can't wait to see what happens after a week or more of continuous use. And their catalog is so fun to read. I am most definitely going back for more fun stuff, like their shower creams and shampoo and schtuff.

So there, two tidbits from me. Aren't you glad you checked in?

I'm off to Denver tonight, so I'm not sure how often I'll be posting. Later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun in Denver! Hope it get cooler there before you get there.