Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Going Crazy

So, I have another marathon this weekend.  Yes, it's been just a couple of weeks since my last one, the vain attempt to come in under that elusive 5-hour finish time. And now it's time to try again. Except that this time, I have different goals. This weekend is the NTTR Grasslands Marathon, out in Decatur, and my only goal is to finish upright and smiling.

It's a trail marathon, so I know it's going to be a little bit slower than a road marathon, and therefore I am not putting any pressure on myself to finish in a set time. I am just going to go out, enjoy the trail, and cross that line with a smile on my face.

Oh, and yeah, when I cross that finish line? I will have FINALLY qualified for Marathon Maniacs. After trying TWICE and failing to reach that goal in 2010, I will have attained it with this, my third marathon in less than 90 days.  But I'm not going to stop there.  With Hells Hills, Oklahoma and now the Minneapolis Marathon scheduled in June, I am going to qualify for the Silver Level. But I can guarantee you as soon as official results are posted, I will be signing up for Maniacs to get my number and order my bright yellow singlet! It's been a long time coming, and I am going to enjoy it!

So I completely plan to enjoy every step out there,  even if it hot and dusty like it's supposed to be on the forecast. I plan to hike the uphills, careen the downhills and pretty much just savor the day and savor the accomplishment that has been so long in coming.  One thing about not reaching your goal the first time you try for it is that it makes you appreciate it that much more when you finally get there. See you on the trails!!

Edited to add:  Nearly forgot!!  There are going to be a TON of awesome people out there doing the half, full and 50-miler, so we are going to pretty much just have a party.  I just have a little more to celebrate once I get to the finish!!

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