And the new, shiny, pret-tee car. Name TBD. But she's a girl, I know that for sure already.

And the boys, playing their traditional post-Thanksgiving-dinner-family-football. Followed quickly by the traditional-post-Thanksgiving-dinner-family-football ankle twist and the traditional-post-Thanksgiving-dinner-family-football ice pack.

And, for the ender, a shot of the Aggie Band, stomping all over the Longhorn logo at the 50-yard-line. Right before the Aggie football team stomped all over Colt McCoy and the reigning national champions. Phoo.

Love your blog! Thanks for adding me to the sidebar. I feel like I'm sitting at the cool kids' table!
So.... how do you know the sex of the car? I can't even tell the sex of a kitten, at least not for sure...
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