Friday, October 22, 2010

Well, dang... OK, then Friday Five...

So apparently, I missed Thursday and posting another Thursday Thirteen. Well, phooey. So, how 'bout this? We'll go with Friday Five. I do have a draft started of a recap of last weekend's Chupacabra run and my last long run for NYCM, but it's not done yet. And because it's already Friday morning, I obviously haven't made the time to finish it yet... but I'll work on it this weekend, for sure. There are pictures!

So, here you go, five random things for your Friday:
  1. In exactly 14 days, I will be headed to DFW with three of my friends for our trip to New York City. It will be my first time back since July 2008. I am beyond pumped. We are meeting on Saturday morning to plan out the weekend's activities. and have brunch. because anytime you can have brunch with your girlfriends? It's a good thing. 
  2. I had to re-arrange the schedule this week because I took time to do some massage therapy on my knee Tuesday evening. I could have gone out when I got home afterward, but I felt it was better to give it another rest day. I think I was right. That meant I went two days in a row without a run. That hasn't happened since the end of May. I was VERY ready to run on Wednesday. 
  3. I am up really, really early because I'm supposed to be finishing up a proposal response for work... We all see how that's working out for me... 
  4. I've had to really focus on nutrition the last week. I took a few more days of relaxed eating after Tyler than I intended to, so I've made an effort to get back on plan as completely as possible, especially given my reduced mileage this week and next (and next...).  The good news is that even though I wasn't sticking to my nutrition plan as well as I should have been in that Tyler recovery week, I was still eating cleaner than I was before I started working with my nutritionist. And as of yesterday morning, I'm down another pound. Not that I pay attention to the scale... really... as much as I used to...
  5. My son turns 10 next week. I haven't yet planned his party (scheduled for next Friday afternoon) because he hadn't made up his mind where he wanted to have it until last night. And because I haven't pushed him on it because then it would be my bad. I'm going to be spending time on the phone calling his peeps' parentals tomorrow, I think, and hoping that at least some of them can make it!! 
That's five! Five is easier than 13, that's for sure. I should get back to that proposal now. Have a great day!

oooh, ooooh! I forgot to include this, so you get a bonus! I WANT this skirt. It may or may not be on its way to me as we speak, actually! It says it's 90% cotton, which worries me a bit for 26 miles, but I'll just slather on the BodyGlide and go with it. How could I not?!


Nicole said...

Oooooh love the skirt!

Anonymous said...

Love the skirt... if you're worried about the cotton, how about throwing on a pair of compression shorts underneath?

UltraMamaC said...

that's exactly what I'm thinking, lesley. they're on their way now - my hubby ordered them for my birthday! - so I'll have time to test them. that's probably the safest solution. But, SQUEEEEE!!!