Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday Thirteen

I always kind of like these Thursday Thirteen posts when I read them on other people's blogs, so I thought I'd see what I came up with today. Just so you're warned, it's going to be random. Welcome to my brain!

  1. 23 days 'til New York. Eeep.
  2. I really, really like my new Heels & Hills long-sleeved tech shirt. It's a groovy blue color and has these black panels down the side that are slimming in a very flattering way. I may wear it all the time, as "real" clothes, it's just that nice. 
  3. I don't feel like I just ran a marathon. Probably because I didn't. I ran 2/3 of a marathon and walked the rest. And I'm really OK with that, I am. I'm looking at the upside, that the pain in my knee is gone and I feel strong enough to do another 22-miler this weekend.
  4. Yeah, that... anyone want to do part or all of a 22-miler with me this weekend? at about an 11:15-11:30 pace? Have shoes, will travel. I hate running long alone... 
  5. I got that awesome little miniature rose plant at the race last weekend, right? But I've not the slightest idea how in the world to take care of it so that it doesn't die and become a sad little pot with sticks coming out of it. I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to let the damn cats nibble on the leaves... 
  6. A bunch of us who ran (ran/walked, finished, whateva!) marathons last weekend are doing a fun little night trail run this Saturday called El Chupacabra de DFW. 10K of trails. In the dark. I can't think of a worse, more awesome idea for me three weeks before the "A" race of my lifetime!! Don't worry, we're walking (so we say now..) and I'll have my headlamp. It'll be awesome, I promise. My girls won't let anything happen to me. 
  7. All three of my boys are going camping this weekend. The big one leaves with his troop per usual on Friday night, and hubby takes the little one for Cub Scout overnight trip on Saturday morning. That leaves me with about 24 hours ALONE, all by myself!! To do whatever I want!! So what will I be doing? See #4 and #6 above. There is also a very high probability of a nap there somewhere. 
  8. Geez, it's harder than I thought to come up with thirteen things... 
  9. I started looking at the photo tour of the Bandera 50K trail route. And someone on Twitter told me that it's pretty much considered the most difficult trail in Texas, with all the rocks and inclines and sh!t.  I really wish someone would have told me that before I opened my trap and decided to make it my first ultra... 
  10. I get my quarterly bonus tomorrow. First thing in the morning, I'm going to sign up for Bandera before I change my mind and make myself a liar. I will then spend the next 2.5 months alternately freaking out and throwing up. 
  11. I updated all my races and claimed some results on the other day. Dang, I'm slow. And I'm not talking about just the races where I've paced new runners - I don't worry about pace for those. I'm talking about my marathon PR being a 5:13 and my half being a 2:09, but both of those were YEARS ago... Recent times are way, way, slower... My 5K time is picking up speed, though... 
  12. I've lost enough inches that I'm wearing clothes that have a single digit on the tag. Haven't done that in a LONG time. But sadly, most of the weight has come off my chest and my a$$.  I didn't have any to lose in the chestal area to begin with, and my backside has long been considered my finest feature, so I'm kinda-sorta torn about that. I mean, I'm glad I'm smaller overall and schtuff, but give me a break! 
  13. Despite all that, I still am not sure if I'm going to fit into my Texas flag shorts well enough to wear them for NYC. I'd rather not wear them at all than have 45,000 people say, "dude, did you see the fat chick in the Texas shorts?" I'm at a loss for what to wear if I don't go with those, though... 


Anonymous said...

If only you were doing that 22 miler NEXT weekend, I'd volunteer to come with you. That's the perfect pace for me and I want a 22-miler.

chris mcpeake said...

Good luck with the training and NY

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