Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Five - The I Said it Out Loud Edition

  1. It's 2 weeks before Oklahoma City Marathon. I finally got some good weekday runs in this week, so I am feeling way more confident than I was after last week's disastrous 20-miler. There is a lot to be said for the mental part of this game, and I am glad that I have started to come around mentally and be excited about this race again. I was kind of beat up physically after Grasslands & Hells Hills coming so close together, but I feel like I am on the upswing and will hit my stride right in time for OKC. 
  2. I've already started looking ahead past OKC & Minneapolis. First thing is that I will have surgery to remove the remaining girl innards that have been causing me trouble for oh, the last 27 years or so. That will force a summer of recovery & cross-training before the fall activities/madness ensues. 
  3. This means I will not be running El Scorcho 50K as I previously planned. I will be there, for sure, just sitting in a camp chair with a big cooler of ice water by my side, possibly a bottle of Patron, and a huge SuperSoaker, ready to splash anyone who needs it with a big sploosh of cold water. I think between the Patron & the water gun I will be a very popular girl that night!! 
  4. I have picked out two sprint triathlons for September and October. Time to get over Danskin & move on already. Ain't no way I can ever do the things I want to do if I don't just shut up and start swimming already. 
  5. I've also picked out a 50-mile run for the late fall. The plan is that a summer of cross training, REPS workouts and triathlon preparations will add to the double long run miles and position me to handle 50 miles of trails just fine come November. That's the plan. (insert small voice) squeee!!

1 comment:

Blanda Amania said...

Oh, girl. I'm motivated and intimidated by your list of things to do at the same time! One things for sure, I'm determined to do a run off this rock. SQUEE! You go with your bad self. Can't wait to see you knock those out.