Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Looking backward... and forward to 2010 Goals

So, last year, I kind of forgot to post my goals.  And since I don't want that to happen again, I guess I better just post them all here and make them real.  Which means I have to make them happen.  Or do my damned-level best to make them happen.

Let me just preface this by stating, in a very vague, probably irritatingly non-specific way, that the larger plan for 2010 involves another series of life changes happening sometime this year.  Whether "sometime" is two weeks from now, February or May, I can't tell, because there are some things that have to happen first.  Suffice it to say that I'll post more on those as they develop, and that when these happen, all of these goals should become even more attainable.  It's all good stuff, no worries, but I just can't really talk much about them, because until some other things fall into place, these changes are still in the developmental stage.

I thought I would start by revisiting the goals I set for 2008, and seeing how many of them are still things I need to work on - I'm kind of afeared to do this actually.  That whole "the more things change" thing, you know?
  • Run two spring halves and a full.  Ha! Not aiming very high that year, was I?  And yet I missed the mark on it in 2008.  I did hit the full marathon part for 2009, though, so there is something to it.
  • Finish five sprint tris throughout the summer and early fall. HA!!!  OK, so this stays on the list... 
  • Run another fall marathon. Well, that didn't work out in 2008 or 2009! But I did get a half done in December, so it wasn't exactly like I was laying around *all* year...
  • Lose the weight, for once and for good. HA! HA!! This is so going to come off this list - more below. 
  • Do what it takes to stay healthy and uninjured. This actually happened in 2008 and 2009. Go me.  I didn't do the stretching and yoga I should have, though, so I guess I was just lucky - more below. 
  • Never let the training get in the way of my life. I think I got this one covered. Except I went too far the other way, and let my life really interfere with my training.  To the point that once I got past Cowtown and didn't get into NYC, I very much let my life dictate my training and therefore didn't do a whole lot beyond maintaining a semi-decent base.  There's got to be a way to balance this more.  
All righty. Now that all that navel-gazing is done, it's time to get down to business.  Here we go, in 2010, I will:
  • Run 1200 miles.  That's 100 miles a month.  25 a week.  Totally do-able. I did 900 in 2009, and that was with some significant slacking in the non-June summer months.  
  • Lose the monkey.  The 5:00 marathon monkey.  I *know* I can finish a marathon in less than five hours.  This is the year it happens.  How?  By ditching the "beginner" marathon training plan I've used for the last six races (yeah, I know!!) and using an intermediate plan that calls for more mileage, speedwork and hills.  It's gonna hurt, and some days, it's going to suck, but, not as much as finishing another 5:00+ marathon will. 
  • Qualify for Marathon Maniacs.  Yep, you heard me.  At the Bronze level, with three in 90 days.  Which three?  Cowtown in February, Oklahoma City in April, and somewhere else in March. Haven't figured that one out yet.  There is a Texas race, but I'd rather go somewhere else and get another state.  Having three on the schedule early in the year ups my chances of finishing under 5:00, too, btw. 
  • Go back to that triathlon thang.  Yep, TxTRISkatemom is on a comeback.  After a spring with three marathons, I'll switch gears and hit at least two sprint triathlons in June and July.  At least one will be in open water.  I have to get better at swimming, I just have to.  There is no alternative. I am leaving the door open for more as the summer goes on, but the two sprint are the goal right now. I'd say two sprint and an Oly, if I didn't have to switch back to marathon training by August, to be ready to...
  • Run the New York City marathon.  November 7, baby!  Three years of no luck on the lottery means I am in this year.  And I just have to be ready for it.  And I will be, oh, yes, I will be!  
  • Cross-train at least once a week.  It's not much, but it's more than I've been doing for the last three years.  Yoga, weights, upper-body, core, something other than my old standby running.  
  • Finish 100 situps and 100 pushups.  Not necessarily at the same time.  Situps are easier for me to do than pushups.  But I will get back on these programs and work through all six weeks of them. And if I falter, then I will start over again, and again, and again, as many times as I need to until it is habit and it is done.   
  • Get over the weight, already!  I'm 40 years old, dammit, and if I don't want to count calories, or fat grams, or whatever, then I'm not going to. Yes, I am still heavier than I should be.  Yes, I still fret over it more than I should. I am going to run, bike, swim, stretch, play as often as I can. I am going to eat healthy, nutritious whole foods more than I eat processed, sugary, junk foods.  And then I'm going to just let it go and let my weight be what my weight will be.  As long as my blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. all check out (and they do right now), I'm not going to obsess.  
So... there you go.  It's out there on the internet now, so I better get busy.

What are your goals for 2010?


Runner Susan said...

it would be great to see you this weekend, of course, i may be one of the weenies bailing out on the arctic weather!

Annette said...

The Little Rock Marathon is in March :)